Unclaimed Pension Credit

it is estimated that £4,253,426.00 has gone unclaimed by Islanders alone – that equates to around 154 pension age households receiving housing benefits that are not currently claiming pension credit. Read more

From July 29th 2024 ... Have your Say on Local Council Tax!

The Council is consulting on the Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) scheme. So it is time to have your say... Read more

Child Benefit rates are increasing in April 2024.

We want to make sure parents and carers are getting all the support they’re entitled to – so here are some important updates to Child Benefit. Read more

Claiming expenses - don't get caught out

HMRC can help you to understand what you can and cannot claim tax relief for. Read more

National Insurance Contribution Changes

From 6 January 2024 onwards employees will see their main National Insurance contribution rate cut from 12% to 10%. Read more

How the HMRC app can help customers

The HMRC app allows users to check and manage their finances. Read more

Annual Report 2022/2023

This is Citizens Advice Isle of Wight's Annual Report for 2022/2023 Read more

Scams Awareness September 2023

This is the November update from the Isle of Wight Against Scams Partnership (IWASP) Read more

Child Benefit - claim online

Child Benefit claims can now be made online. Read more

The Big Help Out Volunteer Video

As part of The Big Help Out Citizens Advice has put a little video together to celebrate our volunteers Read more

Cost Of Living Payments 2023/2024

In 2023/24, there are three different cost of living payments available. Depending on your personal circumstances, you could be eligible for one, two, or all three – meaning some will get £1,350 in total. Read more

Millions Left In The Cold!!

Millions are left in the cold and dark as someone on a prepayment meter cut off every 10 seconds, reveals Citizens Advice Read more

How to spot a scam

Ever wondered if a message you have received might be a scam? Here are some tips to help you spot a scam Read more

Scams Awareness October 2022

Scam Awareness is important so here is some up-to-date information on scam awareness and some recent scams that have been going around. Read more

Cost Of Living September 2022

By donating to Citizens Advice IW, you could help provide a lifeline for someone and make sure an adviser can give them the support they need to find a way forward. Read more

Winter Is Coming 2022 Briefing

A video briefing for winter is coming 2022 Read more

Council Tax Energy Rebate

Clients who weren't eligible for the £150 council tax energy rebate but are struggling with energy bills, may be entitled to a discretionary payment from their local authority (LA). Each LA has its own scheme and clients need to contact their council. Read more

LGBT+ Support

A list of Support Groups, Organisations and Chaities both local and national that can help support and give advice to those who are members of the LGBT+ community. Read more

Additional volunteers for charity

As the cost-of-living crisis bites,  Citizens Advice Isle of Wight has seen a huge number of inquiries from local people struggling to stay on top of household bills. Read more

Our Newest Advice First Aiders

We would like to welcome all of our new Advice First Aiders that completed their training on Monday 13th June. Read more

A huge thank you from the Chair of the Trustees

The Chair of Trustees wanted to say a big thank you to all our voulnteers for all the work they do for us. Read more

A Big Thank You From Citizens Advice Isle Of Wight

A huge thanks from some of our Citizens Advice team to our volunteers Read more