Get Involved Research And Campaigns Research And Campaigns Research As a service we hold a huge amount of insight and data about the problems our clients and their wider ommunities face. We can use this information to do several things: To help us research issues further To influence decision makers to change policies and practices To campaign to get decision makers to change policies and practices We do this by documenting evidence from the clients we see and submitting this to national Citizens Advice. This evidence is used to campaign for and influence change at both the national and local level. Examples of issues evidenced in 2017-2018 include the continued difficulty experinced by claimants of Employment and Support Allowance and Personal Independence Payment, the crisis families find themselves in whilst waiting for benefits and the lack of accommodation for homeless people. Campaigns We campaign to raise awareness about issues that cover a wide range of subjects. You can view our current Local Campaigns here. You can view our current national campaigns here and you can view our previous national campaigns here.